Well, turns out neither myself or anyone from the Bell-Bortscheller wedding party made it into the Los Angeles Times Magazine last Sunday. They did run a piece on San Ynez Wine Country but it didn't contain any photos of us (the photographer must have shot a couple dozen shots of me alone). But, as I told my daughter, I have been on both sides of this equation: the photographer comes back to the paper and shows the editor his fave shots. The editor disregards half of them and shows them to the author, who rejects most of those and picks an entirely different set of photos, then it goes into production and the art director rejects all of the photos the editor and writer chose and goes and finds the outtakes because they have "gravitas" and then the publisher comes in and makes sure his cousin's winery gets a play in the mix and then production has to throw out half the picks from the art director. Finally, the sales department comes in and demands that three of their clients get into the piece, but the photographer didn't take any so the production department has to go online and poach photos off their website. And when the article appears the only people who are happy are the web techies because they love it when print people suffer.
I got this from Nicholas Narog today. He thinks it looks like me. You agree?

I have been accused of being a raconteur in a local pub. I always thought racanteur was a guy who flitted around niteclubs, always scheming and throwing parties (chalk this up to my Kingman upbringing). But, I looked it up and raconteur is:
A storyteller, chronicler, narrator and something called "a magsman." And since True West is a magazine, then I guess I am totally a magsman. According to Oxford American Dictionary a magsman is Austral. sl(Australian slang?).
I got a call from the Travel Channel yesterday and they want to film me judging a hat on a new show called "Baggage Battles." May film on Sunday.
I'm heading out tomorrow for New Mexico and Billy the Kid Country. Speaking of which, I redid the Datil landscape four different times and the art director chose the very first study (see anectdote above). But she wants to kill the grave and put a century plant over it in Photoshop.

Personally, I think the grave is the only thing that makes it authentic, but then I also did a sculpture of a pioneer woman holding a headless rattlesnake and a certain artist friend of mine said, "I guess we'll see how many people want a sculpture of a woman holding a dead rattlesnake in their house." Gee, I wonder what ol' Proust has to say about this?
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
—Marcel Proust