I'm reading a new bio on Jack London. He, of course, had lunch with Wyatt Earp at Musso and Frank's in Hollywood in the 1920s, so I'm interested in how those two worlds collided.
Meanwhile, I'm working on a book cover for my "agent" Jeb Rosebrook and got some decent sketches going this morning. Burning roads, floating rattlesnakes, you know, the usual cover stuff.

Two Abused Chicks With A Big, Fat Cock
When I got my chicks last year, five of them turned out to be roosters. Gave away four and kept one. I am so disgusted with the big idiot. He abuses his two hens constantly, attacks me and acts like a big, fat cock head. I'm daily reminded of a famous Westerner's quote,
"One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so dreadfully disillusioned."
—Jack London