October 11, 2013
Woke up to a sprinkles and cooler temps yesterday. I don't think it's been this cool since April. Met with the staff about our big January photos issue and went over details and problems.
Took off from the True West World Headquarters yesterday after lunch with our editor, Meghan Saar, and our publisher, Ken Amorosano. Got to Payson at two and saw one of those portable signs that said there was a wreck 9 miles east, towards Kohl's Ranch, which was the way I was going.
Sure enough, just west of Kohl's Ranch I encountered this:

That's an overturned trailer at right, but here's the main wreck:

Some crazy wreckage, to say the least. Got past there though and it was smooth sailing up onto the rim:

Thought I might encounter snow, but it cleared out as I approached Heber. The temperature dropped to 41 though. Had a little time, so I took the scenic route east of Showlow and went thru Concho and Saint Johns, two sleepy little towns I haven't been to in a decade or two. Concho was one of the first European settlements in northern Arizona. I believe Spanish soldiers from Santa Fe were marching through and noted the lush valley conditions and came back to found the settlement in the early 1800s. Place was even sleepier than the first time I saw it. Lots of growth around it though. A big development to the south with tract homes and country club.
Saint Johns is a lush oasis and a wonderment because so many prominent politicians have come from this sleepy little town, like the Udalls.
Got to Springerville at about six and decided to finally sample the cuisine at the original Los Dos Molinos (the ones in Phoenix sprang from this one according to the folks at the Springerville LDM):

Of course Los Dos is famous for really hot chile. I had the posole, a fish taco and an adobada taco.

Oh, and a "kick-ass margarita," at right, which has three shots of tequila in it.
Heading for Ruidoso and the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium this morning and plan to stop in Pie Town for breakfast.
"Facebook is a meta-version of who we see ourselves as. The person that we and people demographically and algorithmically similar to us might categorize us as being."
—Devon McCaw Jackson