Yesterday, I did a phone interview with Kelo Henderson who starred as Clint Travis in the TV series "26 Men". The show about the Arizona Rangers who roamed the Arizona Territory just prior to statehood, was one of my favorites growing up, so talking with Kelo (real name Paul Henderson) was a treat.

Kelo Henderson (center) with, from left, John Redmond, William Palmer,
Chapo Beaty and Joseph Pierce.
Regarding the photo, Kelo told me, "I actually got to meet some of the last surviving Arizona Rangers in 1957. They visited the set [of "26 Men"] and we talked about the wild, old days. They told me the long distances they had to ride. And they told me that if they anticipated gunplay they would cock their hammers first. It could save seconds and save their lives.
"Those old Rangers just looked like guys who wouldn't tell stories. But one guy, William Palmer, still carried a single-action pistol which he carried, stuck in his pants. I thought to myself here is some history and I'm going to photograph it."
As you can see, William Palmer, has a pistol stuck in his pants. I have a hunch he wore that to the set for effect, but still, it's a great story. And, by the way, Kelo just turned 90 two weeks ago. The interview will appear in a future True West magazine.
"The facts are always less than what really happened."
—Nadine Gardiner