Bike Week in Cave Creek so it takes ten minutes longer to get anywhere.
“Lozen is my right hand. . . strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy,” said the Apache leader Victorio about his sister. She also fought alongside Geronimo and his warriors, surrendering with him in 1886. She, too, became a prisoner of war, dying of tuberculosis sometime after 1887.

BBB Daily Whip Out: "When Lozen Is Chosen, Ain't Nobody Dozin'"
I did another version, a little more ethereal.

BBB Daily Whip Out: "Lozen Stalks The Dawn"
I'm also working on a Tenth Cavalry True West Moment.

BBB Daily Whip Out: "Tenth Cav Courier"
Notice the smile on his face. I have a hunch those Tenth Cavalry dudes really enjoyed their freedom out West. Is this authentic?
"Authentic, or not? Hasn't [America] been built on the premise of avoiding this very question?"
—Karl Ove Knausgaard, in his #2 take on American in New York Times magazine
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