Sunday, June 09, 2024

Billy the Kid Keeps Knock-Knock-Knockin-On BBB's Studio Door

 June 9, 2024

   File this one under Billy the Kid Keeps Knock-Knock-Knockin' On My Studio Door. 

A Long Lost New Report On The Death of Billy the Kid Revisited

   Yes, sometimes I forget just how groovy some of our earlier efforts have been in True West magazine, and this fine piece, by Mark Lee Gardner, just totally rocks.

   Meanwhile, the Kid Kid's are reuniting in Lincoln, New Mexico on July 12 at the Resurrected Ellis Store Celebration. Stay tuned for the invite, but keep the date open because we are going to have some fun.

The Kid Kids:

Thom Ross, BBB and Buckeye Blake

at the Due West Art Gallery in Santa Fe

many moons ago.

"Billy at The Back Door of The Ellis Store"

(Is this a bonafied tintype of the Kid?)

   Dream on, sucker! But this tintype artwork will be on display at the Ellis Store, along with this one:

"Billy at Midnight On The Deadliest Street In America"

Mexican Mourners

   The local Fort Sumner women who loved the Kid turned out at the carpenter shop to grieve on the morning of July 15, 1881.

   That is, of course, Celsa, on the left. At least it will be when I transform this photo reference, shot in the Middle East, to Old Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Yes, I have been collecting grieving women for the assignment to illlustrate the entrance to the new Buckeye Blake Kid Shrine to be installed at the cemetery in Old Fort Sumner. If we do it right there will be something to offend everyone. See pocket protector, above.

"Relevance, on the whole, has a very short shelf life."

—Old Vaquero Saying

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