Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ex-Surfer Girl Sheri Riley Jensen Rides Last TW Wave

 June 18, 2024

   She is going to be missed.

Sheri Riley Jensen

   Back in the day, she was a bonafide surfer girl so obviously she has some major status in my world. But her biggest claim to fame is she is one of the very best sales people True West has ever had, bar none. She is retiring after a 16 year run and we are going to miss Sheri Riley Jensen. Here's how she puts it: "The moment I walked into the True West office in June 2008, I knew something special was about to happen to me.

"My 16 years at True West have been an adventure, an experience, and an opportunity to work with a group of people who are passionate about the history and preservation of the Old West. Our editors, writers and the entire True West team under the helm of our own BBB, are an incredible talented team that I have had the privilege to be a part of.

"My Dad was a big lover of the old Westerns and I was always hearing stories about the colorful characters of that time, which helped me fit right in at True West. Whenever someone tried to pull one over on my Dad he would say "Jesse James rode a horse and had a gun when we was holding up people!"

"I will never forget the friendships I have made and though I will miss working daily with the team, I know I will continue to see greatness in future issues with exciting stories and tales of the Old West.

"Thank you BBB, the entire TW team and our advertisers for all of your support throughout the years and making my time truly special.

"See you all on down the trail!"
—Sheri Riley Jensen 

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