Tuesday, August 06, 2024

El Jefe In Dust And Justice Is Served In St. Joe Plus Old Vaquero #38

 August 6, 2024

   If the paint is flowing right, sometimes I can just about taste the dust.

Daily Whip Out: "El Jefe In Dust"

I've been asked how it is I can capture the dusty side effects of Old Sonora and my answer is this helps:

A Dusty Shot of Cazadores

(or two)

   Of course, this hefty bottle of Cazadores Reposado was a gift from a history-minded musician friend.

Mark Lee Gardner and BBB

   We traded fair and square at the Ellis Store in Lincoln, New Mexico last month.

   And, of course, we teamed up for this cover story.

   So, I've got that going for me!

Daily Whip Out: "Bob Ford Takes Aim"

   Also, thanks to Mark, in May of 2023 I got to stand in front of the court bench (still in use!) in the U.S. Courthouse in St. Joe, Missouri where Bob Ford stood after shooting Jesse James.

Photo by Mark Lee Gardner

That is the actual bench Robert Ford stood in front of at the U.S. Courthouse in Saint Joseph, Missouri

   Some people have asked me if there is an actual photo of the Old Vaquero I am always quoting, and my answer is, no, but this comes pretty damn close.

Daily Whip Out: "Old Vaquero #38"

"It's true tequila can't solve all your problems, but it's worth a shot."

—Old Vaquero Saying

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