Wednesday, August 07, 2024

The Great Unraveling

 August 7, 2024

   If you are concerned that the entire world is unraveling you are not alone. In case you didn't know, traffic fatalities are soaring all across the country because most city police departments have stopped enforcing traffic laws. It started with the pandemic and then with the political blowback from racial traffic stops, police departments have not gone back to enforcing traffic laws. It shows. As you have no doubt noticed, driving today is damn close to lawlessness.

   Meanwhile, the traditional summer job for kids is history and beyond that most restaurants are thankful when young servers actually show up for work. A half-joking sign outside a cafe tells the tale: "Now hiring people who show up."

   Add to this, the supply chain nightmare (Boeing doors anyone) and a fracturing of civility in all phases of our culture, it's disturbing to say the least.

   But don't mind me, I am still out in my studio chasing dust.

Daily Reworked Whip Out:

"Rurale On The Ridge"

Daily Reworked Whip Out:
"Flint On Guard"

   We often get letters like this one:

   I am sending you a copy of a picture, below, that I came across. Maybe you can find out who this is? Thank you.

—Edward Mitchell

Moonstar Trading Co. Greybull, Wyoming

Greybull Cowboys?

   I'll bet someone we know has the answer to who these cowboys are.

This Just In:

"Obviously, left to right: Tom McLaury, Wyatt Earp, Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury, Ike Clanton and Virgil Earp. Now you just need the long-lost photo of Jesse, Doc, and Billy playing poker in Las Vegas, NMT, you'll be set for life !

—Ken Skinner

   Thanks Ken, for the wise-ass response. No doubt some will take you seriously, but I got an ironic kick out of it.

"I love those who can smile in trouble."

—Da Vinci, see the great unraveling, at top

1 comment:

  1. Ken Skinner8:25 PM

    Obviously, left to right, Tom McLaury, Wyatt Earp, Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury, Ike Clanton, Virgil Earp.
    Now you just need the long-lost photo of Jesse, Doc, and Billy playing poker in Las Vegas, NMT, you'll be set for life !
    Hey, I've seen stupider verified "real photos" for sale on e-bay!


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