Friday, August 16, 2024

Fun Times at Home With Jesse James, Joaquin Jackson & The Border Rangers

 August 16, 2024

   I've been on the road for a solid week and it's fun to go, but I have to admit it's even more fun to come home. No appointments, no obligations, no expectations today. My kind of holiday—when staying home is the biggest thrill of all! 

   What follows is a celebration of that opportunity.

   He was born into a vortex of flames with a name fit for fame.

Daily Revised Whip Out:

"Jesse James In Hell!"

   Meanwhile, I couldn't leave well enough alone. I thought mi amigo needed a little more definition and shape.

Daily Revised Whip Out:

"El Villista Apachurrado"

   And, speaking of the border. . .

Daily Whip Out: "Border Ranger"

    I once had the privilege of having breakfast with Joaquin Jackson, the renowned, modern day Texas Ranger and he told me stories told to him by the early Texas Rangers about how they would clear an area of "problems," by spreading out and riding in a line and whatever they flushed out they would eliminate. Harsh, but effective. 

Joaquin Jackson. Texas Ranger


   Needless to say, my hair was blowing back as he was telling me this. I mean, this is literally two degrees of Bill McDonald.

   Okay, it's time to break for lunch.

   We'll see what the afternoon will bring. You know, it's funny what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit.

"To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life."

—Pablo Neruda

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