Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Three Skeptics Hold Court

 August 18, 2024

A Bonus Bogus Blog

   Oh, so you think you know Old West History? We dare you to buy anything from these three snotheads. You're gonna fail! Don't even try!!

The Three Skeptics
Photo by Jan Bracciale

Here are the top five things that came out of these guy's mouths at the Doc Holliday Unveiling Party last Wednesday.

 • "We don't care who your grandfather was."

• "These books are worthless. Don't even bother."

• "I wouldn't take a check from you if it was made of gold."

• "Stop showing interest and get the hell out of here."

• "History is for losers. Adios."

   And, here's one bonus comment which can actually be attributed to a former president of the United States. From Missouri, of all places.

"The only thing new in this world is the history you don't know"

—Harry Truman

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