Thursday, August 08, 2024

Hello, Bob! Remorse And the Start of The Making Amends Tour

 August 8, 2024

   I recently had the misfortune of listening to myself on a tape recording of a talk I gave and it led me to this breakthrough epiphany. It's time for:

The Bob Boze Bell Making Amends Tour

   In short, I was appalled at how snotty I sounded. Always going for the joke, or, the outrageous commentary, when, at the end of the day, I just sounded off putting and snide. So, here is a public service announcement I am working on:

   Hello, my name is Bob Boze Bell and I want to talk to you about a very unfortunate greeting that involves people with my unfortunate handle.

   If I had a nickle for every time some person says this line to me, I could pay for at least five cups of coffee. Not at a Starbucks, or some fancy, expensive coffee shoppe, mind you, but I get it a lot, and it hurts me superficially. Why? Because, it's snotty and off putting

   Yes, it's based on an actual event that happened in Lincoln, New Mexico on April 28, 1881 when Billy the Kid escaped hanging and killed his two guards, but let's not get all foot-notey here.

April 28, 1881
Billy Bonney greets Bob Ollinger

   It is without a doubt one of the most deadly salutations in the history of the the Old West. But people, remember, it's a greeting that hurts people like me deeply, and it's not funny in the least. I implore you, do not buy this coffee mug I designed and financed the production of.

   Please stop this madness. Do not send cash, checks or money orders to the website address below.

   We prefer credit or debit cards

   Remember, you can make this a better world by drinking your morning coffee out of something else. Have you tried styrofoam cups? Give it a try.

   I'm Bob Boze Bell and I approve of this message. And so does Emilio:

   And, so does these fine women:

Amy Dunn and her friend Uno

Lori Goodloe, President of
The Billy the Kid Outlaw Gang

Linda Pardo

"The problem with sarcasm is it's so insincere."

—Old Cartoonist Saying

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