Friday, August 30, 2024

Last Night On The Beach

 August 30, 2024

   Well, the week has zipped by and I had a nice red to celebrate our last night on the beach.

A nice bottle of Grand Reserve

   Of course, some guys weren't all that interested in the sunset.

Uno couldn't be bothered

   One of the many things I love about the beach is the solitude and contemplation while listening to the crashing waves. It's very primordal and invariably leads to flights of inspiration. This morning as I stared at the sets rolling in, a certain captivo came into view.

Mickey Free Captured On Paper at Least

   I still see him as the next American hero. Flawed, mixed and deadly. The perfect reflection of our times. Or, as his friend, the chief of the Apache Scouts put it:

"Mickey Free is half Mexican, half Irish and all son-of-a-bitch."

—Al Sieber

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