Friday, October 24, 2003

October 24, 2003
The Westerns Channel has greenlighted the True West Moment project. They like the idea and want to proceed. The also want to link to specific movies they will be playing. The big honcho loved the telephone in Tombstone script I turned in. He wants more of that. Shooting in late November. or early December.

Stayed flat on my back most of yesterday, although I did do some good sketches for an old project I want to finally tackle. If you have been reading this journal for any length of time you will know what it is from these clues: Cole, Hanska, Stillwater, Oscar & Heywood.

Yesterday the Arizona Republic ran a list of Old West Surprises. It was a World Features Syndicate dittie and it contained stuff like “Jesse James shot off one of his fingertips.” But one of them (number 3) said this: “Billy the Kid: hid and killed at Fort Sumter, S.C.” This prompted me to write the following E-mail to the editor

I was thrilled to see Billy the Kid featured in this morning's paper. However, Billy the Kid was shot and killed at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, not Fort Sumter, S.C. My suspicions are that some east-coast intern at World Features Syndicate got Googled.

They ran a correction this morning.

J.Rae saw Michael Martin Murphy perform in Fairmont, Minnesota recently. About dating, he had this to say:

“Guys, you can date whoever you want, but marry a girl who can back up a trailer.”
—Michael Martin Murphy

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