Back from a busy Southern Arizona jaunt. Got in at eight last night. Spoke at the very first Tucson Festival of The Book on Saturday. They were expecting 50,000 (and I think they came close); the organizers worked on it for 18 months. Went to dinner with the director of the Arizona Historical Society, Bruce D., and Paul Andrew Hutton at Maynard's, a new restaurant in the old train station (where Wyatt and Doc got Frank Stilwell). Long day Sunday out in the Whetstone Mountains hiking up to Cottonwood Springs with guide Bill Evans, Dave Daiss, Dave's doctor—Charlie, and the Top Secret Writer. Got good pics and I'll post them later.
Got up this morning at six and finished the cover for The Battle of Alamo Plaza:
I am disappointed. Had such high hopes for this painting and it ended up in Cartoonland. After I scanned it, Robert Ray stuck his head in my office and said, "Do you want me to send that Low Blows artwork down to Dan?" Ha. Bastard. He as gigging me, as Low Blows was the title of my New Times editorial cartoon book.
The subhead is going to be: History vs. Progress. Guess Who's Winning?
“There is not shortcut to painting; no man can tell you how to do it.”
—N.C. Wyeth
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