Sometimes I age my paintings with unconventional means. Many times I try to emulate old photographs with the faded edges and noise (in the parlance of Photoshop) by utilizing my paint brushes and paint. I'm always looking for new ways to age my images.
While cleaning the studio last Friday I found an unfinished portrait of Al Sieber wearing his First Minnesota pin. It wasn't as bad as i remembered, so I took it out to the truck to bring up to the office to scan. The passenger side door was locked so I put the painting on the side bed near the door and went back into the studio.
After I had the confrontation with the cleaning lady over "basura" vs. "fresca" I looked up and noticed I was late for a meeting. So I ran out, forgot about the painting on the bed of the truck and drove out the driveway. When I came home on Friday night I discovered the painting in the driveway with tire tracks across it. I must say, it looks fantastic!:
Patina by Goodyear. If anyone asks, I did it on purpose. Ha.
Meanwhile, in my sketchbook I worked hard on faces of anguish:
And one I would call Native Rage:
Which stemmed, no doubt, from a Native Mi Lie:
I also tweaked a couple scenes from the TW excerpt, for example a scene of Mickey Free riding up to the post commander's office. I changed the anglo guards to buffalo soldiers:
"The wise draftsman brings forward what he can use most effectively to present his case."
—Robert Henri
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