Worked this morning on a handful of studies, finishing four of them and tweaking a couple more for later attention. Last day in office until the New Year.
The DWO offer has expired and we have some pretty amazing stats. 41 DWO paintings sold, Nick Narog bought most of them (14) with Lauren Kormylo not far behind at 7 along with my good friend and art patron, Craig Schepp, who also bought 7. Mundo snagged two, as did Scott Stone and Morris Mortensen and the rest were snapped up by savvy buyers who know a good deal when they see one.
Going to wait until the New Year to establish the new price for upcoming DWOs but rest assured it will be higher than a C note.
Mickey Free rides a mammoth jack and the crafty, little, one-eyed captivo knows from experience when that beast starts to chew on his bridle and whip his ears around, it's time to hang on or hunt cover.

Daily Whipout Painting #102, "Typical Jack Behavior"
Meanwhile, found an old study of a certain Yale cowboy who was prone to wearing the "Queen's Breeches" and hanging out with buffalo soldiers.

Daily Whipout Painting #103, "Remington Draws Up A Storm"
Here's another study I found that needed just a bit of a tweak on the sky and the little, bitty rider at bottom left:

Daily Whipout Painting #104, "Twilight Rider"
And, finally, here's another angle on Micke and his mammoth Jack in front of a giant dust storm.

Daily Whipout Painting #105, "Mick and Mule In Front of Dust Storm"
I'm beginning to feel like an expert in this whip-out-painting deal, but we all know what Niels thinks about that:
"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field."
—Niels Bohr.