March 6, 2013
Went out to get the newspaper yesterday morning and caught this sunrise over Ratcliff Ridge:
I'm proofing the next issue of True West before it starts uploading to the printer tomorrow. I believe this is one of the most quotable issues I have ever seen. Marshal Trimble answers a question: "How many times was Marshal Dillon shot in the course of the show Gunsmoke?" The answer: 56 times, plus three head gashes and one poisoning. Oh, and he was knocked out 29 times. I'm butchering the answer and you'll have to read his funny way of listing all these "wounds." Marsh adds, "Mr. Dillon had more concussions than all the NFL quarterbacks combined. And we all thought Chester and Festus were each one taco short of a combination plate."
Also, here are a couple more teasers for what is in the issue:
How Do You Stir A Ginger Beer?
With a red hot poker, of course!
How Do You Get Fired Posing for A Photo?
Just ask the Texas Ranger on page 7
Who said, "The key of hell was not suffered to rust in the lock while I was on the war path"?
Hint: not Obama
Went home for lunch today and whipped out a little Lone Light study. I call this one: "Played Out".
Daily Whipout #142, "Played Out"
Dan Harshberger came out today for our design review. Cleaned up several holes in the issue, then he and I went down to Tonto Bar & Grill for a meeting with Eric Flatt about a T-Shirt design we're all working on. Treated Dan to lunch outside on the patio. A beautiful day and when the Harsh and I get together plenty of laughs are on the menu.
"When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown -up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability. . .to be alive is to be vulnerable."
—Madeleine L'Engle