Sunday, June 02, 2013

Shiprock Hitch Hiker

June 2, 2013
  A year ago yesterday (June 1) my family took off, in the heat, for Flag at 4 p.m. and after a one lane stoppage on I-17 south of Mund's Park, we landed at the Knight's Inn ($50) and then walked around Tommy's town in the cool air, landing at The Carriage House, where we ate outside ($150) and then wandered off to the legendary Monte Vista Hotel where we had drinks and then a nightcap at the Wine Loft overlooking San Francisco Street.

  The next morning, June 2, we were on the road thru Navajoland and beyond (actually, our goal was Mike Richard's cabin on Lake Okoboji, Iowa). After a hike in Canyon de Chelly and a stay at Thunderbird Lodge, we drove the back way into New Mexico, cruising right by Shiprock, a mighty sight, indeed. This study is inspired by that landscape: "Shiprock Hitchhiker."

This was the start of our family roadtrip which we nicknamed The BLT Tour (Bell-Family-Farm Legacy Tour). Had a great road tip, saw lots of country and had some great road food. In fact we had Navajo mutton at a roadside vender, just west of Shiprock in Red River Valley.

Also working on "Two-Lane Flattop" a concept I know a thing or two about. Been studying In-din flattops which have an architecture that's pretty damned amazing. Pictures tomorrow.

"It will come to you if you are willing to study it and immerse yourself in its complexities."
—William Friedkin, "The Friedkin Connection"
