November 1, 2014
Back in Apache Wars mode with my commitment to do "The Life & Legend of Mickey Free" as my next illustrated book. As mentioned, yesterday was Robert Utley's birthday party and Paul Hutton threw a surprise luncheon for his mentor at a toney place in Keirland Commons. In addition to Thom Ross coming dressed as Ned Kelley, John Langellier brought a cake of the G-Man:

Bob Utley's B-day Cake (it says at bottom "Nantan Bob! and that's Apache for big dog: General Crook was called Nantan by his Apaches scouts).
And speaking of Geronimo, Robert Utley published an excellent biography of the legendary Apache warrior and now Hutton is hard at work completing his Apache opus, tentatively titled "The Lords of Apacheria" I found myself reading Hutton's manuscript and in the days of Mangas Coloradas (Red Sleeves) the brutality and torture and gore is pretty daunting, on ALL sides. It's such a depressing story if you are a fan of humanity. Anyway, I tweaked a painting of the G-Man on Friday morning and in a moment of down and dirty negativity posted it with the caption that it was of a "cold-blooded killer and whiner." The G-man blamed all of his troubles on Mickey Free being a bad interpreter, then broke out from the res and killed a couple dozen innocent people he met on the trail to Mexico, then came back into Arizona and killed another dozen. Anyway, this comment greatly offended a few of my "friends" on Facebook and I got an earful, and a couple de-friendings, along with accusations of being a "racist."
To put my comment in context, I could also make a case that Billy the Kid was a cold-blooded killer, especially if you look at the killing of Sheriff Brady and Morton and Baker, etc. All were shot down without a chance to defend themselves. But if you look at the killings as an adjunct to war, where the other side would have done the same thing, then we get into the freedom fighter arena and all bets are off, or, at least all labels are off. The same could be said for Wyatt Earp and the killing of Florentino Cruz and even Frank Stilwell. So, the cold-blooded comment was pretty strong on my part, but I stand by the whining accusation.
Meanwhile, tonight I am at Changing Hands bookstore on Camelback Road for a talk and book singing:

The new Changing Hands Bookstore in the old Newton's Prme Rib building
Details on BBB signing
"All my experience of the world teaches me that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the safe and just side of a question is the generous and merciful side."
—Anna Jameson