Friday, September 20, 2024

Buff, Utah And The Six Degrees of Separation Indeed!

 September 20, 2024

   For the past two days I have been trying to remember the name of the small Utah town Ed Mell and I blasted through on our way back to Arizona after a plein air painting trip many moons ago. I finally got out an old atlas of ours and ran my finger along the border until I found it.

Bluff, Utah

   As we shot through Bluff—such a fitting name!—and came up over the rim on the south side of town, the red-ridged desert floor spread out behind us as did those distinctive Navajo country-flat-bottomed clouds and that is when Ed asked me to stop the car so he could capture a few pictures for later reference. I think it's safe to say he got what he wanted.

"High Clouds" Ed Mell, 1993

   On a related note, got this from Rooster Rob yesterday. What do you get for a guy who loves sombreros and a nice, full cabernet?

El Corko!

And it totally rocks! Speaking of The Rooster, we're working on a bunch of Rooster Reels and I think these suckers need a logo.

Daily Whip Out: "Crowing Rooster!"

   Here is a video we are working on.

Cowboy Slang Video

   This just in. Guess who's grandfather is on this well-digging head frame, probably showing off?

   If you guessed Benjamin Daniel Harshberger, you would be correct. According to Dan The Man, his grandfather lived in Bluff for a while before moving to Valentine, Arizona in Mohave County. And, here is Dan at the same site recently.

Dan The Man in Bluff, Utah

"It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it."
—Steven Wright

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Bluff. Twenty-four years ago, I was moving my sister to AZ from WY. Chugging up that rim, my old Blazer clanged loudly and started smoking. We crept along til we could (barely) pull over. My little flip phone laughed when I hiked up a hill looking for a signal. A Utah highway department guy picking up road kill stopped to help. He told us it was the transmission. "Put it in low and drive slow to the valley" he advised. We did and it made it.


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