Monday, September 16, 2024

Walk Where They Walked And Lay Where They Lie?!

September 16, 2024

 In the next issue of True West magazine we are launching a new history campaign—actually more of a crusade to— Walk Where They Walked. We are going to encourage you and everyone you know to get out and experience history first hand, by seeking out the actual ground where it happened. You will be amazed at what you pick up when you simply walk where they walked. Some of my crazy friends are so gung ho about this concept they even like to lay where they lied.

Author John Boessenecker channeling
Old West Spirits in Lincoln, New Mexico
 circa 1997

  Found this great photo I took of John Boessenecker in Lincoln, who looks like is trying to channel Sheriff George Peppin's head vibes through his gravestone. On the back John wrote, "McCubbin made me do it!" That would be the late, great Bob McCubbin and I am going to run this in the magazine on my editorial page as a spoof take off on our new campaign "Walk Where They Walked." Perhaps the campaign should be: 

Walk Where They Walked And Lay Where They Lied

“The robbers are all large men, none of them under six feet tall…all mounted on fine blooded horses,” continued the telegram, ending with a plug for the boy's region: “There is a hell of excitement in this part of the country.”

—Jesse James, PR agent extraordinaire

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