Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Great Western at Yuma Crossing Revisited Plus Custer Wore Arrow Shirts Expanded

 September 3, 20924

   Yuma Crossing revisited. Here's an aerial map I drew showing the same area Uno and I visited last Friday.

Daily Whip Out:

"The Yuma Crossing Ferry And Sarah Bowman's Joint

On The Arizona Bank of The Colorado River"

Uno and me at Yuma Crossing

Yes, we are standing, well, at least I am, on the Arizona side of the Colorado and perhaps a few yards south of the ferry crossing in the top aerial illustration. And, the dwelling on the Arizona side of the river belongs to this giant gal.

Daily Whip Out:

"The Great Western In The Same General Vicinity"

   Meanwhile, here's a Dan The Man poster of the illustration I did last week, aping a real Arrow Shirts ad from the 1920s.

   And, here's an actual 1920s Arrow Shirt advertisement for comparison.

"Imitation is the sincerest form of copyright infringement."

—Old Legalese Saying

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