Monday, September 23, 2024

Grandpa Ha Ha Freaks Out Shocked Granddaughter Plus Netflix Series Brings Out Nitpickers Like Me

September 23, 2024

   A young girl in the Seattle area freaks at seeing her grandfather's magazine in the wild.

She sometimes wonders if, in fact, Grandpa Ha Ha, even has a magazine. Look Mama, it's real! True West actually exists! And the young girl's mother wonders aloud, "look at the checkout placement. Who is Grandpa paying off?" 

An Educated Guess

   The answer to the last question is Grandpa is not paying anyone off. His magazine is one of the few surviving publications still in the newsstand game and it's possible, the superior placement is because there are fewer and fewer titles to place near the checkout at the QFC in Issaquah, Washington.

Is A Fair And Balance Review of The Netflix Show We Co-Produced Even Possible?

   This is a weird position to be in, but here goes.

   Yes, Ken Amorosano and I are listed as co-producers on the new Netflix series and it is true back in 2022 they asked me who I would recommend as the best Wyatt Earp scholars in the field. And, it's true I put them together with Casey Tefertiller, Mark Lee Gardner, Jeff Guinn and Paul Andrew Hutton. In the show, all my guys expound with great knowledge and every time they are on screen you get excellent, solid explanations of the Tombstone events.

   When we get to the re-enactments, well, that is another ball of wax I wish they would have asked me about.

Netflix Re-enactments Brings Out Nitpickers Like Me!

Hatless Brothers? Are You Flippin' Insane?

   Granted, some of my headgear prejudices and costume nitpicking will be on full display when I do the review on Youtube this coming Thursday. Stay tuned. I am going to grade everything from A+ to F-. I promise to be both fair and balanced and unhinged and passionate about the two things I love dearly: accurate history and good storytelling. What happens when those two forces of nature collide? You are about to find out.

"History is an inheritance, a gift and a burden. It can't be shirked. you carry it everywhere. There's nothing for it but to get to know it."

—Jill Lepore, These Truths: A History of The United States

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