Friday, September 06, 2024

Mad Coyote's Green Chile Rocks!

 September 6, 2024

   One of the perks of knowing a famous chef is getting to call him up with questions. Kathy came home from Book Club two days ago with a batch of Hatch Green Chiles and I had no choice but to fire up the electric stove and go all green chile on the house.

Over the stove POV: Yes, Uno has that
Can-You-Throw-Me-A Bone? look

   You'll notice my green chile is a tad red, but that is because I went off recipe and threw in a can of stewed tomatoes which fortunately did not ruin the outcome. Here is my view at the end of the day.

Mad Coyote Joe's Green Chile Recipe Rocks!

   And my phone call to Mad Coyote Joe was to have him give me some advice on thickening up the concoction and he recommended corn starch, and it worked like a charm! Thanks Mad!

"The Gringo line has been drawn in the sand, can you step across it?"

—Mad Coyote Joe

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