Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Family Secrets for The Historical Minded

 September 10, 2024

   If you are seeking the truth about the Wild West then we have something in common. If you love the Wild West then we are from the same tribe. If, however, you are married to someone who loves the Wild West and they dragged you to one of my talks, then we are in-laws. Either way, I have some valuable secrets to tell you, and only you, because, as you should know—you are family.

Daily Whip Out:
"Twenties Cowgirl In White"

   There are actually a dozen family secrets you need to know, but let's start with the most obvious one.

Family Secrets

   I've said this before and I'll say it again: the truth is not facts lined up. And this is the problem with most history classes in school.

Daily Whip Outs: "Desert Dwellers"

   Had time today to do a new painting to illustrate how the Apaches who fought against Willie B. Rude were armed.

Weapons of The Apache Attackers

   Although this illustration is based on an 1873 photograph of Apache warriors, this is likely how they were armed against Rude in the 1861 era: the trusty Apache lance, bows and arrows and breech loading long guns. It's still amazing he even had a chance.

Our Readers Always Write

"Several people told me they had just seen the new Netflix series, 'Wyatt Earp And The Cowboy War' and they asked me what I  thought. So, I fired up Netflix and after ten minutes of episode one I couldn't take any more. Totally Hollywood.  It will take True West another 50 years to set the record straight."

—Allen Fossenkemper

Fountain Hills, Arizona

"Hey, Bob... I was having my first cup of coffee when I opened the new True West this morning. When I read that Jana Bommersbach had died, I just bawled. While I do look forward to the next issue as a celebration of her, I know I'll cry then, too. She was a total treasure and I'm grateful to TW for having kept her a part of so many of our lives.... Sincerely..."
—Leslie Baker
 Show Low, Arizona

Family Secrets for the Historical Minded

   One of the family secrets is this little gem: go where they ain't. Or, put another way. . .

"Wherever the crowd goes, run in the other direction."
—Charles Bukowski

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