Monday, September 02, 2024

Free at Last

 September 2, 2024

   Well, you've heard this before, but this time I am serious. Actually, I think I've even said THAT before, but anyway, here we go again, this time with a little more feeling.

The Return of Mickey Free

   Scarred and barred, Mickey Free (real name Felix Telles), lived a crazy, violent life. Torn between three cultures, he never really fit in with any of them, although, in the end, he chose the Apaches. And, I don't like saying this, but he rejected his own mother and he hunted down his best friend, and allegedly cut off his head. And, that's just for starters. His true story has been shrouded and buried in the bowels of history, but now his sordid tale can finally be told.
   Granted, you probably won't like him, but you wouldn't be alone in that regard either. Even his friends had serious problems with him.

"We Apaches believe he is perfect just as he is, but I must admit, I don't like him either."

   Many of the U.S. Military officers wanted nothing to do with him. One even made a prophetic pronouncement about him:

Mickey Red Head

"Heaven help us if America ever looks like this."
—General Buelton

And then, there is his crazy mule Tu (Spanish for "You"):
A previous run at capturing
the red-headed captivo, 2017

     For heaven's sake, Freddy Remington even sketched Mickey's saddle:

   Yes, I intend to cut through the BS and give you the full skinny on a new kind of anti-hero.

Daily Whip Out:
"Mickey Shrouded In Mist"

   So as you might have guessed by now, it won't be pretty and it won't be perfect, but it will be damn close to the authentic truth. And, by close, I mean fifty percent.

"About half of this is true. It's your job to figure out which half."
—Old Kingman Saying

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