Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010
Flew in from Salt Lake City last night. Attended an all day seminar for high school history teachers. Spoke three times. I have much empathy for what teachers do, having taught last week. Speaking of which, got this when I came home from my teaching gig at Orme School:

From the home office in Dolan Springs, and with love and affection from a couple of your old public school pals:

Top 10 Quotes from Art students at Orme School This Week

10.) "Who's the old fool crippin' around campus this week, somebody's great-grandpa?"

9.) "If he ADD's off one more time into stories about Wyatt Earp, I'm gonna urp."

8.) "He made us call him 'professor' and continually referred to us as Ginger, The Skipper and Gilligan . . . WTF?"

7.) " The first day he talked about The Apache Kid. By the third day I could repeat it in my sleep. Then he started in on the OK Corral. . . I'm looking forward to my class nap."f

6.) "He had some of us do Yoga while others sketched us. He farted one time while getting up, then blamed it on Downward Dog."

5.) "It has no sex, car crashes, explosions or zombies and yet he calls it a 'graphic' novel?"

4.) "Until this week, I was excited to be an artist. Now even being a hedge-fund manager seems more

3.) "Unbelievable. This guy showed us 500 drawings he'd done of some dorky-looking dude named Billy. Must be his grandson."

2.) "He showed us stuff I'd only heard about: Like
drool coming out of both sides of his mouth at the same time."

1.) "Which do you think makes him look lamer, the cowboy hat or the fringed leather shirt?"

—Charlie "Bugs" Waters and Dan "The Man" Harshberger

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