Spent most of the day in Scottsdale. Drove over to the Four Seasons Hotel this morning at the base of Pinnacle Peak with Greg Carroll and Ken Amorosano to attend the AOT (Arizona Office of Tourism) annual convention. Lots of great Arizona towns and businesses there. Met the owners of the Jacob Lake Lodge and plan on going up there to the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Always have wanted to explore that area from Kanab to Fredonia. The Navajos and the Hopi were doing a communal painting and encouraging all the white guys to participate. Here's Greg adding a stroke or two to the painting:

Ken added a few bold strokes and then I attempted to blend his strokes to the actual painting which come to think of it is exactly how we approach the publishing business.
If you've been following my Whipped Out paintings sale, you may be interested to know that Nicholas Narog bought five of them. We shipped them at the end of last week and he has them received them and sent this photo of all five:

He actually poached some iconic paintings there, which include Wyatt Earp, Kid Curry, Frank and Jesse James and a Texas Ranger.
"Never trust the teller, always trust the tale."
—D. H. Lawrence