Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Winning The West One Cup at A Time

August 28, 2013

   I bailed into gesture drawings this morning. It's funny, we were taught in college to start every session with loose drawings, just to limber up and get the juices flowing, but then you grow up, deadlines loom and you forget the lessons you learned in the beginning. It would be like a pro ball player, driving to the stadium, running straight into the stadium into the huddle, then running a tight post without warming up. Kind of nutty in that context but art is no different than athletic prowess. You've got to limber up the body before you attempt world record high jump.

   So I started at 6:45 and slotted fifteen minutes of loosey goosy lines. Utilized a famous painting by John Singer Sargent and went at it:

Daily Whipouts, "After John Singer Sargent"

   Got into the office and whipped out a couple more True West Moments with Rebecca, including this idea that coffee did more to bring peace on the plains than any army.

Daily Whipout, "Winning The West One Cup at A Time"

I also love this little scratchboard about Navajo raider using a blanket to stampede booty, in this case sheep:

Daily Whipout, "Stampeding The Booty"

   Heading to New Mexico this weekend to work on a new series, "Gunslingers." It's going to air on the Military Channel and we're filming at this Old West town location. Recognize it?

Bonanza Creek, New Mexico

Also finishing up a Classic Gunfight for the December issue. Going to do one on this guy:

Goyathlay, "He Who Yawns"

"Action is the foundational key to all success."
—Pablo Picasso