Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Obtuse Significance of Buck And Doe Road

 April 23, 2023

   Took off this morning from Prescott, and headed north for Old Route 66. Had a date with this zany gal who runs the Ashfork Route 66 Museum. She is standing next to a tribute to Ashfork's Favorite Son.

Fayrene Hume,

Director of the Ashfork Musum

   We are planning to have some fun, this coming fall. From Ashfork I motored westbound to one of the most legendary bars in the West.

The Black Cat Bar in Seligman,

 also known as

"The Church of Burch"

   Why is it known as the Church of Burch? You need to ask a local like I did, or, wait until our book comes out this fall on "66 Legends." In other cryptic messages left semi-unanswered, Kathy once asked me where I want my ashes spread and I facetiously said I want them scattered halfway up a very specific road that is 60 miles long.

My final resting place?

   Yes, this is a very funky, 60-mile dirt road on the Hualapai Reservation that goes the back way to the Diamond Bar Ranch and The Grand Canyon Sky Walk. Kathy told me she was concerned about a couple of my rabid fans wanting to go somewhere to honor me and I told her this road is perfect because it would tax the patience of even my mother. Especially my mother!

   Hey, I'm always here to help.

Once again to recap the news, a certain editor of True West turned 60 and had a big party last night.

Stuart Rosebrook enjoying the candle power of turning the big 6-0.

   And, here are the locals at his party who told me about "The Church of Burch."

Danny & Mary

They were also very high on Buck And Doe Road.

"Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future."

—Oscar Wilde

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Looks like you got all the fixins for a great reading book to take the heat off the summer months here in Apache Junction, Arizona.


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