Friday, May 17, 2024

Big Nose Kate And Doc Holliday

 May 17, 2024

   Nice walk this morning. Still cool out. Did have one set back.

"You go on, I'm pooped" 

(this is a joke, Uno runs circles around me)

     Came back to the studio. Couldn't leave well enough alone.

Daily Tweaked Whip Out:

"Doc Refined"

   We're still wrestling with Doc and Kate splitting up at Gillette sometime in 1880. Here's how she remembered it late in life.

"Doc and I stayed in Prescott. In a short time Doc received a letter from Wyatt Earp stating that Tombstone was very lively and that Doc could do well there as there was no dentist there. A few days after the arrival of this letter, we started out together. I didn't go to Tombstone. I said to Doc, 'If you are going to tie yourself to the Earp Brothers, go to it. I am going to Globe.' He said, 'All right, I will be in Globe in a few days too. I don't think I will like it in Tombstone anyway.' We got as far as Jillet [Gillette] together and had to stay over night (where the old Tip Top mills used to be). We had a time to find accommodations. There was no rooming house or any thing like it there. At last we went to the Superintendent, a Mr. Webber. He gave us a bed in his office. It was good bed too. There was a store there, and we had a kind of a breakfast next morning. We started out again : Doc to Tombstone and I to Globe. I didn't hear from Doc for some time. At last I received a letter telling me how well he was doing and asked me to visit him. I went on that visit, stayed three days also called on Mrs. Wyatt."

—Kate Cummings

   Lots to unpack here, but I'm done for the day. Analysis tomorrow.

"You're a Daisy if you do."

—Doc Holliday

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