Saturday, May 25, 2024

First Time Players And Forever Young Bandmates

 May 25, 2024

   As Queen put it once upon a time, "We will rock you."

BBB Still Croakin' & Still Kickin' It!
(photo by Bill Watters)

   And here is the Razz Band Crew taking a bow at the end of the 66 Kids Road Show last night at the Elks Theatre in Prescott. 

L to R: Rob Mathiash, Jack Alves, Jim Hinckley, Stuart Rosebrook, BBB, Danny Romero, Jay Keplinger and Randall Woods

   Here's the amazing part of this picture: half the dudes in this photo didn't know the other half, two hours before the show. In addition to a killer surf medley (Wipeout, Walk Don't Run, Pipeline) these boys did a call and answer Country Showdown that received an ovation. We may have been strangers when we got up on the stage but we are band brothers now.

   On the other end of the scale, Jack Alves and I have played together for a long time. How long? Before the gig I asked Jack when was our first gig together and he said he didn't remember the date but it was at the Westward Ho the night Wonderful Russ got into a fist fight on the stage with a heckler and I realized that was in December of 1977 because it was a New Times Weekly party and it was my first date with Kathy Radina. So, that's 47 years ago and Kathy and I have been married 45 years. Crazy.

The Razz Band, 1978, me and Jack at left

   Oh, and besides the music, we sold mucho books to some very intelligent people.

BBB book buyers have extremely high IQs

"May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung
And may you stay
Forever young"
—Bob Dylan, Forever Young

1 comment:

  1. I was not there but I will tell anyone who asks that I was. Not sure where I was. There is a faint remembrance of a Holiday Inn Express in West El Paso. That may be a dream. Great show BBB. Always enjoy your exploits. Time to go. Law's on my tail and it is a little short after dragging on the ground all these years. See you soon. YJS


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