Thursday, July 20, 2006

July 20, 2006
Last full day on the super secret project. Went over to Va-Voom yesterday afternoon and bought a bunch of old, original photos from the 1930s, 40s and 50s on cowboys, cowgirls and Arizona life, plus several art books and other reference. Plus a fridge magnet that says, "Therapy has taught me that it's all your fault." What a cool store. Hard to believe it's out here in the middle of the top secret desert. Kelly is the co-owner and she just got back from her honeymoon in New Zealand. Here's her website if you want to take a gander:

Over in Sierra Vista yesterday I also scored some great images. Len Graterri brought me photos of the Medicine Lodge Livery Stable where the cow-boys blasted out of, and interiors of the bank, an actual checkbook from the bank, downtown photos of Caldwell, Kansas, Ben Wheeler's pistol (which Len owns) and the rope used to hang two of the outlaws. My old pal Kevin dropped two snapshots on me of Kingman from the thirties. One is of the Elks Lodge and the other is of the Mohave County Courthouse where my mama worked. Thanks Kevin!

Had a very successful morning, storyboarding and writing scenes with the top secret writer. Got a tad buggy around one, when this top secret writer said, "We're so clever, we're doing a scene within a scene." He said this in a Clem Cadiddle-hopper voice which was a solid clue we needed to break for lunch. Walked up to the Prickly Pear and had a salad and iced tea. Paul, I mean the top secret writer, bought. Then dropped into the museum so the writer could get a book on Apaches. The woman volunteer said, "Hope your writing sessions are going well and you win an Academy Award." File that comment under "small towns are small for a reason" or; so much for the top secret classified blog entries. Ha.

"An active mind is no mind at all."
—Theodore Roethke

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