Friday, July 28, 2006

July 28, 2006
Picked up the girls last night at nine. Got the BBB suite at ten. Met with the head of Westin security this morning about guests stealing BBB prints out of an outdoor pavilion area. They have mostly wedding parties there and the guests stole "Serenade of Billy the Kid" and "In His Cups: Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday Spinning the Cup Scene". Obviously, the thieves have good taste in art. I told Bob I would replace the paintings. They also had True West magazines and two of my books in the suite which was also nice.

Supper Vs. Dinner In Midwestern Slang
" Don’t know about Midwestern but in Nebraska, the noon meal is dinner and the evening meal is supper."
—Randy Brown

Yes, you are correct. I have dyslexia. Ha. But the testimony in the Caldwell shooting says "supper" and Talbot was at the fight by one p.m., so I'm not sure how that happened or what it means. Could supper have had a different meaning in the Old West.

Kathy and I have been married for 27 years as of today. Don't quite know how I did that, but I like the following quotell and agree completely.

"We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck, but part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness."
—Ellen Goodman

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