Tuesday, March 13, 2007

March 13, 2007
Terry Garrett is in town and for the past two days has walked us through a primer on state of the art internet business. Yesterday, the entire staff, including Dan Harshbeger who drove out, went through the drill, sharing with Terry what the web has done to our lives and our business and ultimately what we can do to change with the changes. Very thoughtful and inspiring stuff.

Last night, I took Terry and Mark out to dinner at El Encanto ($109 biz account). We were joined by Lauri and Joel Klasky and my Kathy. Forty-five minute wait to get a table (we are "in season"). Drank beer and margaritas and solved live. Terry, Joel and I worked together at New Times back in the early eighties, so we traded war stories. Mark later told me it's all the same stories, just different towns.

This morning, Trish and Bob Brink and I met with Terry work on a plan of attack. Strong insights and good feedback from everyone. We went to lunch at noon up at Bob's golf club.

Art Solutions came by while I was gone and picked up 28 Billy the Kid paintings for the big show in Albuquerque. On the condition report they put: "dusty & dirty, unframed/finger prints."

Onion Headline de Jour
Someday, Son, All This Cheap Crap Will Be Yours

"You can paint the same picture twice, as long as you don't do it exactly the same way."

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