Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21, 2007
A big, fat plug for my Franklin Daytimer. We received three or four family photo albums about three years ago on the Wobblies deportation in Bisbee. Many of the photos have never been published and although we scanned them, no one in production bothered to input the photo credits, or contact information on the scans. There was a date though and that was June, 2004 and that was enough.

At lunch I went home, pulled down my 2004 daytimer files and brought it back into the office. After an hour and a half search (I know, this is not the best usage of my time) I found the entry on November 21st for Jason Ferrier and his phone number. I called the number, hoping it was still good and it was. Jason is coming in Thursday to nail down the history of the photos.

Of course, as I was looking for Jason's name and number I found a ton of things to earmark, such as my notes on the first WETA convention I went to a Keystone, Colorado, on June 4, 2004. "look for the second right answer," and "Hispanics buy the boots," and, "hire the twinkle," and "We cannot become what we need to be by being what we are now." Good stuff.

On June 11th is this bromide: "Too much Monday morning quarterbacking is bad for morale." Hmmmm.

On July 15th: "Art is a unification of contrasts."

On July 24th: "I lay under a creosote bush watching the vultures sail over us on quiet wing." John Reed, Insurgent Mexico

On July 26th: "An idle soldier is always thinking of war." Ditto, quoting Pancho Villa.

On August 8th: "I thought you said a smart man knows when he's whipped?" "Who says I'm smart?" Lines from Westerns from a book I bought at the Autry.

On August 19: "Many a man thinks he's famous when he merely happened to meet an editor who was hard-up for material." —Old Vaquero Saying

On September 16: "We are in a niche business. Our customers have something in common. They all have a desire for a particular lifestyle. We help enable that lifestyle. We enable that lifestyle through an eclectic collection of products. When I go out and talk about Tractor Supply, I say that you can find everything in our store someplace else, but you can't go anywhere else and find everything in our store." Blake Bohl, of Tractor Supply, who could be describing True West.

Onion Headline de Jour
Unwatched Netflix DVD Stares At Area Man With Single Unblinking Eye

"There is somebody smarter than any of us, and that is all of us."
—Michael Nolan

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