Worked late last night, but not as late as Meghan. Kathy said she saw our managing editor's lonely car at the True West offices when she drove by at eight last night. Closing in on another very strong issue (goes to press tomorrow). Great photos of 49ers armed to the teeth (thanks John Boessenecker!) and a super piece on The Trainman, Jim Clark (who dropped in this morning to say hi).
Dan "The Man" Harshberger is working up the Exits Exit postcard which goes to the printer today. Here's an early layout without the copy:

Got the Profit & Loss report for True West yesterday and I was happy to see Samantha Somers has driven sales in her division (store and online) to over $120,000, which is about double what it was three years ago. Very promising. Thanks Sam!
The Top Secret Writer sent me the DVD of The Stunt Man (1980) and I watched the making of it last night. Just amazing how hard it is to make a good movie, much less, find a distributor, and by extension, an audience. Gee, I wonder of ol' Ben has anything to say about this?
"Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor."
—Benjamin Franklin
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