Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26, 2008 Bonus Blog Post
Dan the Man came through with two excellent cover designs. Now I can't decide which I like better. Dan reminded me that the big one looks like the old True West and that doesn't bother me at all, in fact it's actually a plus as far as I'm concerned. However, there is somethinig quite cool about the small rider. Here they are:

And here's the big storm, small rider cover:

Dan and I both like the integrity of the small rider cover. It plays against newsstand law (you must have a big image, preferably a face, preferably a come hither face, with cleavage) which could, in fact, make it stand out on a crowded deck. The problem with this one is that the damn ISBN Bar Code box is ruining the dynamic. And if Dan puts it on the left side, the border monument will look like it's growing out of the box. I asked Dan if he could add some foreground to the bottom of the painting to deepen the painting and push the rider up about a half inch so he is at least riding over the box.

All of this assumes we will go with this cover. Not sure. Meghan is leaning towards the small rider, saying, "It matches the tone of the article inside." Going to mull it over turkey tomorrow. Gee, I wonder what Sam thinks?

"The past is inescapable, though it can be reinvented, reinterpreted, into something entirely your own."
—Sam Taylor-Wood, British artist

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