Friday, July 20, 2012

Minnie Bell Lives Large

July 20, 2012

  Last night, Kathy and I had four ears of Froggy Hauan corn which Froggy himself drove out to Arizona with. Man, there is nothing like fresh corn on the cob from Thompson, Iowa.

   Spent all morning working on a painting for Outrageous Arizona. Wanted to do a Mexican Chiquita with an eye catching peasant dress.

Got the dress from a show the Autry put on a couple years ago. Of course, I put a sugarloaf sombrero on her head just because I love the damn things.

"Corn sex is complicated."

—Elizabeth Kolbert, in the New Yorker explaining how difficult it is for corn to duplicate ("Corn's female organs are sheathed in a sort of vegetable chastity belt—surrounded by a tough, virtually impenetrable husk.")