Working on a cover idea this morning, based on this sketch:
Daily Whipout: "Mickey Free Headhunter"
And here's a variation:

Got up this morning and finished a little study I call "Another Dang Van Gogh Gunfighter." Full disclosure, I'm reading "Lust For Life" and "Van Gogh, The Life" as research for a Classic Gunfight featuring the Dutch painter and I've got Vincent on the brain.

Daily Whipout: "Another Dang Vincent Van Gogh Gunfighter"
The "Lust For Life" book is a first edition, signed by the author and is a gift from the Top Secret Writer for my birthday. Pretty dang sweet. In the preface, the author, Irving Stone, says the original manuscript was rejected in the 1930s by every leading publishing house in America (17 by his count), "always on the same grounds":
"How do you expect us to sell the story of an unknown Dutch painter to the American public in the middle of a depression."
—Short Sighted Publishers, or, should that be Blind Publishers?