Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September 20, 2006 Bonus Blog
Robert Ray is working on uploading the Wichita PSA even as I type this. As soon as he gets it on a site, I'll post the link here and you can go take a look at our efforts to save Old Cowtown.

My good friend and old Kingman bandmate, MIke Torres, has played Sun Devil Stadium twice now (50,000 people each time!). He was the featured musician at half-time, playing along with the ASU band. Mike does incredible Santana music, and more than a few in the stadium thought he was, in fact Santana. Mike told me he lost 25 pounds to do the gig because he didn't want to be "Fatana." Ha. Here's Mike rocking out at the thirty yard line:

And speaking of talented Mexicans, I sent Jorge Harada a customized Honkytonk Sue cartoon for his birthday. Jorge plays guitar in Ruby Dee and The Snakehandlers. Jorge wrote me a nice note and this photo of him posing with the cartoon:

I've been seeking out warm color schemes for The Top Secret Project. Here's a color study of one of the icons of my youth, Boulder Dam (my grandmother hated Herbert Hoover and refused to call it by the official name—Hoover Dam). I wanted to play with the warm color of the lights snaking out of the canyon and the cool green of the massive cement dam iteself. Kingman used to be know as "The Gateway to Hoover Dam," or put another way, "Have Patience, there Is A Route Out of This Hell Hole." Ha.

And here's a painting I pulled out of the Failure Pile. It's of a certain youth portrayed in the Top Secret Project and I wanted to surround him with the color of turmoil. Not sure it works, but that's why they call it a study.

"Draw what you see, not what you think you see."
—Vincent Van Google

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