Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 20, 2008
Turned the mister on in the chicken house yesterday. Went out to check on them late this morning and there they were hanging out at the water cooler. Ha.

Man, it's hot. Really wilting. And, as the summers pile up, I must admit, it never gets easier.

News From The Front Lines
"Larry McKinney of Sammamish, WA called to give change of address today. Before hanging up, he told me that he really enjoys True West and reads it “wall-to-wall” several times – and saves them. He said that True West is a wonderful information resource and wonderful resource for travel and museums."
—Carole Compton Glenn

Working on staying in the Now. Not easy. More on that later.

"Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation."
- Dale Dauten

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