Friday, April 02, 2010

April 2, 2010
As mentioned, worked yesterday on an In-din waving to a Nazi film crew, all of them doing the seig heil salute:

Need to go home and combine this scene with the film crew. I have great scrap from Joe McNeill's new book Arizona's Little Hollywood which will be coming out soon.

This is for the True West Moments print version which is running in the Arizona Republic every Sunday in the Valley And State section. Worked on another potential TWMoment:

A Sober Realization & A Proud Tradition
Not matter how big our problems have been, there is one guy who always has the answer. You know, that drunk guy at the bar. Arizona didn’t create that guy, but in the last 100 years we have had more than our share and quite a few have been elected to high office. It’s called the “bottoms up” syndrome.

My good friend and number one patron, Craig Schepp, came out yesterday to pick up my original cover painting for "Is America Ready for A Gay Western." Craig also had me sign the back with this inscription: "You know you are a Republican if you are more upset by 'Brokeback Mountain' than by Abu Ghraib."

I have several other friends who are avid collectors but Craig has the best taste when it comes to tastelessness. Ha.

Been planning some big cover stories for the magazine, including several controversial cover ideas. Need to make a commitment to execute them. Gee, I wonder what the Old Vaqueros have to say about this?

"The future starts today, not tomorrow."
—Old Vaquero Saying

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