More rain. Socked in and cloudy. Quite unusual. Just got word from Robert Ray that our printer, RR Donnelley, did not receive our discs today. Evidently a big sleet storm scuttled the delivery which went out UPS, so now Robert is uploading 80-plus pages via the internet. A bit of a crunch as they are shutting down their servers at five, Missouri time.
Ah, the joys of deadlines and production schedules.
One thing I have noticed on my daily sketches is that if I am tired I tend to doodle more and that was the case last night for sketches #5,800-5,805. Worked on these at about seven. I was fried from the deadline for the Travel Issue. Not much left in the tank.

Buggy? Oh, yeh, perhaps even a subconscious self-portrait. Some decent swirls though.

With plenty of rest I tend to get specific: Yes, this is a knockoff of the Jumper movie ad posted earlier this week. I couldn't find a black pen, only had a red and a blue, so I went with that and it produced some interesting effects (I did find a black pen at the end and added a few highlights here and there). Need to keep going, but. . .
I still feel limited on my range and I wonder if ol' Brendan has anything to say about this?
"If you accept your limitations you go beyond them."
—Brendan Francis
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