Monday, February 09, 2015

Kit Carson & The Blue-Eyed Vaquero

February 9, 2015
  Spent the weekend filing artwork in the archives, but stopped often on pieces I thought could use some more work, like this one, a failed whip out of Ben Rux (done for "The 66 Kid"). Took another stab at it and came up with a different slant:

Daily Whip Out: "Worn out"

   I also grabbed a couple paintings out of my Do-Or-Die-Skies file, including this one which had a big swatch of black across the middle (should have shot it before). The black blended in with any color I put over the top, which gave the storm an ominous appeal:

Daily Whip Out: "Thunder Will Roll"

   I also grabbed a couple half-finished panels and gave them a go. This one turned out decent:

Daily Whip Out: "Kit Carson"

   Full disclosure: I was meeting Paul Hutton for dinner at La Fonda many years ago and was taken with a 1930s mural-painting of Kit Carson. I took a photo of it and kept it in my studio for a long time. Started this painting about two years ago, hated the sky, Kit was half finished, let it go. Picked it up this weekend and loved the sky (go figure) and finished off Kit, which is a direct lift from the La Fonda painting.

   And, finally, here's another image that just needed a foreground tweak and a little definition on the legs of the cayuse:

Daily Whip Out: "Blue-Eyed-Vaquero On The Move"

   All in all, a great weekend for art.

"When I saw the movie, I said, I wish I had heard the music. I would have ridden the horse differently."
—Eli Wallach