Saturday, July 21, 2018

Under The Sugarloaf Brim

July 21, 2018
   Bailed into the project yesterday. The first step was to get good scans of all the latest artwork for the story. I also worked on shadows under the brim.

"Under The Sugarloaf Brim"

   Not bad, with the one blue eye (Ojos de Gringo: Gringo Eyes) gleaming out under that sugarloaf hat brim.

"Ojos de Gringo Rides On"

   Ojos rode through some rough country but he had an even rougher time getting through the border at Mexicali.

"Americanos En Mexicali"

   But the women of Mexicali were even rougher than the Americanos:

"One Pissed Off Puta"

   Some of the other women were a little more kind:

Hogtown Hussy: "Suchi Sueno"

  Certain area hacendados were also against Ojos and his quest:

"Leonides Cabrera de Caca"

   But, it must be said, Ojos had a few allies, mainly his Indio cousins in the hills above San Felipe. One of them provided him help when he needed it most.

"Squibe En San Felipe"

   But even after he finally crossed the border at Mexicali his biggest challenge loomed out ahead. He still had to cross the deadliest desert in the world, the Mojave:

"Swallowed Up In A Sand Storm
at Badwater Basin"

"Death Valley is the hottest place on the globe. . .hotter than the tropics, hotter than the Australian Outback, hotter than the Sahara Desert. A temperature of 134 degrees Fahrenheit (56 C), the highest ever, was recorded at Furnace Creek in 1913."
—Roger Naylor, "Death Valley: Hottest Place On Earth"

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