Saturday, October 09, 2021

Resting Hound Face, Red Snapper & Jim Gaffigan

 October 9, 2021

   Photographer Bryan Black sent a reworked, light-balance take on Uno in the studio. You can see so much more detail.

Now THAT is a "resting hound face."

   Meanwhile, for a Friday night delight, Kathy asked me where I wanted to go for dinner in downtown Phoenix and I picked this place.

The Red Snapper at Mariscos Playa Hermosa

Laugh Again With Jim Gaffigan

   After a great dinner, Kathy Sue treated me to a show at the Celebrity Theater (she claims this is an early birthday present, and that would be a fact since my birthday is in December). Anyway, Jim Gaffigan was as stellar as you might expect. Did a whole routine on how we—the Phoenix audience—were all "white trash," which I loved. And, he opened on the pandemic and did 10 minutes on that with brilliant commentary on how absurd life has been and how we thought it was over, but NO! He is especially good at ribbing his beautiful wife and five kids and how they mock him and think he's a joke. He made a couple glancing references to John Mulaney,  then closed the show with a joke about one of his sons wanting to dress as a comedian for Halloween, and when Jim proudly questioned if the kid was going as his dad, the boy said, "No, I'm going as John Mulaney." I took it as a sign of support because of Mulaney's recent drug-rehab problems? Or, maybe he really thinks Kid Gorgeous is truly the Bomb? Anyway, it was sweet and we laughed our asses off the whole time. Really therapeutic on some level. Good for the soul and I highly recommend it—and Jim.

"Raising kids may be a thankless job with ridiculous hours, but at least the pay sucks."

—Jim Gaffigan

One More Bonus Laugh:

"Isn't it strange—when you're single, all you see is couples, and when you're part of a couple, all you see are hookers."

—Jim Gaffigan

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