Good day in the office. Mark Boardman is here and, along with Meghan, we got some creative ideas going for next year's travel issue, events coverage and various Classic Gunfights to cover, not to mention the details for our big Tombstone event coming up in two weeks. People have been calling and asking when and where I'll be for the 125th Anniversary of the Gunfight Behind The O.K. Corral and the answer is:
• Thursday, October 26, I will be signing my books and posters, at the O.K.Corral itself, at noon.
• Otherwise, all day Thursday and Friday I'll be at the Bella Union (Fourth Street and Fremont Street) where we will be having heavy discussions and good entertainment into the night.
This morning I was cleaning in my morgue and found this sweet little dittie, one of the paintings for The Topless Gunfight featured in Classic Gunfights, Volume I. Jennie Smith was the model and, while she isn't totally topless, this should have been the cover, instead of the one we used.

I went home for lunch and got inspired to do some dark clouds. I was cleaning before work and uncovered a book on classic New Yorker magazine covers, and this one from the 1940s really grabbed me. It was of the Manhattan skyline, very dark with just select lights giving hints of the landscape of the island. The logo was in dark green, barely visible (try that today!). I went over to my art desk and whipped out a dozen dark skies and at about the ninth one, this happened. I call it Apache Midnite. Some decent nighttime effects, no?

For my money, one of the best caricaturists working today is Philip Burke. You see his edgy stuff in Rolling Stone, Esquire, etc. and he really pushes color, utilizing the oddest hues, but his wild renderings are dead on. This is me stealing, I mean emulating, Mr. Burke's penchant for pushing color. I call it Burke's Boys:

The web has been turning up some odd requests at my door. Those tidbits tomorrow.
"The shoe that fits one person, pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases."
—Carl Jung
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