Finally got the photos to load. Here they are. First up, I took a photo of the opening crowd at the Bella Union, and that's Jeff Morey, at right, talking about Tombstone and the O.K. Corral:
Next up is the wild scene in front of the O.K. Corral on Allen Street, and a bullwhip artist cracking his wares to and fro:
Helping me at the True West table were Joel Klasky (left) and an unidentified saloon woman, and that's Trish Brink (left) and Samanth Somers, who helped move books and sell posters and collect money. We had it down to a science.
Artist Thom Ross (below, right) and I displayed our artwork in the foyer of the Bella Union. That's Rusty York with the great Sugarloaf sombrero at left, and that's gunhandler Joey Dillon doing his patented moves to a standing room only crowd:
And finally, that's MC Timothy Fattig, at left, standing, on one of our sessions with Paul Cool seated at right:
"When the legend becomes fact, nit pick the legend."
—Old Vaquero Saying
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